Mara Mihalache


MaraMara is one of our talented artists. She has illustrated The Calling of The Heart and is currently hard at work bringing another publishing project to life!

‘Since I started to draw I’ve been more inclined towards graphics. My work is the materialized result of everything that shaped me as a person. . Every experience has left a mark, and I learned to use these key moments in a constructive way, by exteriorizing them in the form of sketches and drawings. My style is edgy, dark and it has an erotic feel to it, although I am able to work on children’s illustrated books as well as adult graphic novels.

I enjoy working with traditional mediums like oil painting, gouache, clay modelling and etching as well as with computer software. My preferred tools are ink, pencil, markers and water colour. I can also work in Adobe Pack CS3, CS5 and Autodesk 3DStudio Max. My favourite subject is the human body. I like to explore the possibilities it offers me to exaggerate and play with its shapes in order to obtain an emotional reaction from the audience.’

See more of Mara’s work here!

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