Heather Lees

Heather Lees“My name is Heather Lees, I am nineteen years old and I can be described as a jack-of-all-trades; being an amateur writer and aspiring illustrator/graphic novelist and musician. And as a result, my whole life; my art, my ideas and the way I see the world, from a very young age, has been heavily influenced by the arts. My art style, bold, striking and very “cartoony”, is a life-time-developed combination of artistic influences such as Tim Burton, Jamie Hewlett and Craig McCracken, plus a good many years watching Cartoon Network and Disney, and my work ranges from the cute and the quirky, to the monsters that lie, in-wait, beneath our beds. 

In spite of this, I consider my work to have a childish-side, seeing as, even at my age, I still linger in the charming world of children’s media, meaning that I can manipulate my work to be more-than appropriate for the illustration of children’s books, if need be.
On the whole, I work digitally, using Paint Tool SAI and dribs and drabs of Photoshop, but I do enjoy working traditionally, as well; with water-colours, acrylics, pencil crayons and markers, it is simply finding the space and the time to do it! I hope to have more traditional work featured here, in the near future.”


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