Marnie Taylor

Marnie Taylor

Marnie is part of our editing and art team. She is a highly talented and enthusiastic graphic designer, writer and avid film fan!

‘I am a 20 year old female who has recently completed a Level 3 National Diploma in Graphics & Interactive Media in which I achieved the highest possible grade. During the course I developed skills in using the Adobe suite effectively to produce compelling graphics, editorials and digital illustrations. Inspirational artists include Banksy, Saul Bass and Mark Reihill. I’m a perfectionist and have an acute attention to detail, I strive to make each project meet it’s given criteria. I am the graphic designer for Michael Fassbender Online. In May 2012 I was lucky enough to meet the man himself and for him to autograph my digital representation of him at the “Prometheus” premiere in London.

I also enjoy writing as I believe words are beautiful, the things they say, mean and the shapes that they throw within typography. My biggest project to date has been a personal one in which I wrote my own novel “Broken” and designed its artwork. I have also had my short story entitled “Love Me, Love My Dog” published by Publishing Syndicate in “Not Your Mothers Book…On Dogs”, a collection of stories from people all over the world. Authors that inspired me are Richie Tankersley Cusick and Becca Fitzpatrick.

So what do you call me? Graphic designer? Illustrator? Editor? Author? No. Just call me creative.’

See more of Marnie’s work  at Marnie Taylor Graphics

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