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My Name Is Jasmin Graham. I am currently a college student and I am poor in society eyes. My college course is extremely rewarding yet overly time consuming. I do hope to achieve a lot from my time and effort spent. I study Creative Media Production, and it’s actually not difficult, you just have to be committed; that I am.

I’m 18 now, a good three years from the first time I put pen to paper and got my first piece of writing done. When I say writing I mean my first piece of independently researched hand written work. I would spend so much of my time with my ears glued to the radio back when I was 15. I loved it, 10 times more than the television, which I knew was just an entertainment for the eyes. A big square object of nothingness as it was back then. To speak about the radio was not completely of topic. It was in fact a link to say that I used to listen to a radio show called ‘The Night Before’ the name of the show giving away nothing to some and perhaps obscure thoughts to others. Well just so we are all clear the show itself had a slogan that never left my mind ‘Life, The Universe And Everything’. What a brilliant slogan. It discussed a different, new and interesting topic every night. This was the ultimate show I had ever heard at this time. It was above all to me. The sort of topics discussed would range from the planets in the solar system and what the scientists really knew. To the way the human mind worked and mind control. Being exposed to such awesome knowledge I felt privileged to say the least. I would never miss a second of that show.

The presenter and the producers worked together on the show to make it come alive. The producers were included in the presenting of the show, which was the point I also first discovered the job role ‘Radio Producer.’ The entire show was so real. Once, the team left their microphones on during a song. They were having a whole conversation. I really don’t think they did it on purpose as they never mentioned it afterward they just went into commercials straight away. I also learned about ‘filling time’ and ‘links’ in radio all from this show. I began to gain so much knowledge I didn’t know what to do. So I decided to write down what I got from the show, what I felt was really interesting and what people love to hear about. Not only did I begin writing, I also began to gain knowledge on what is now my career path.

My greatest inspiration to this day will always be David Icke. I first heard of him on ‘The Night Before Show.’ He has taught me so much, and allowed me to understand what people want. They don’t want to be forced into anything. They don’t want to be told what to believe. They want to gain their own knowledge and their own understandings. I aspire to be just like David Icke and write books with knowledge that will go out to the people. Perhaps one day I will give speeches too.

I come from Moseley in Birmingham and I have lived here all my life. Moseley is known for its strange hippie occult scene, apparently. I love the culture in Moseley though it’s very much alive. I like to see the different types of people that catch the 50 bus as they are not the same as the people who catch the bus in any other area of Birmingham. The people who catch the 50 are off to Moseley or Kings Heath. I tell you, these people are very different in a very good way.

I hope my writing brings about a new question for you. A question of the universe and what it is all about.

What We Never See

“What We Never See” is a collection of short pieces that have been put together over a course of three years. The first piece that was created was entitled ‘The Planet Nibiru’ in 2009 after some research was done into the planet in the solar system. Ever since hearing about the planet Nibiru and its apparent ability to destroy the earth ‘The Planet Nibiru” was revised with even more information in it that the original draft. This marked the beginning of my writing, as I felt there was a need to look into things such as this, things that the majority of people may not have heard of. I wanted to interest and awaken humanity. So I decided to create many more informational pieces from then on.

The most recent piece produced is entitled ‘Human Race’ this piece features in the book along with great illustration to give an idea of what the writing is putting forward. This piece was written to make people think about their life and the world around them, with a fair bit of opinion in there as well.

The intention for this book is that the writing makes people think about the world around them not only that but also to give people knowledge on topics that we are usually kept in the dark from.

by Jasmin Graham

What We Never See is part of The Illustration Machine’s Comics & Graphic Novels range.

Coming soon …